



来源:大连新航道学校    时间:2022/2/14 16:27:27


     雅思口语 Part 2 | 你有多久没开怀大笑了?

     本期Part 2 话题

  Describe an occasion when many people were smiling.

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Who you were with?

  What was happening

  And explain why they were smiling.


  I remember this one time we went to see a movie called “Office Space” and everyone in the cinema was laughing so hard. It happened a long time ago, must have been at least 20 years ago. I was in university at that time and we often went movie hopping, which means you buy one ticket, and watch three or four movies, because in the morning, no one checks your ticket stubs. So one day, there were four of us and we decided to skip class and go movie hopping again. The first movie was an action movie I believe, and it was great. And after that, the second movie was either a romantic film or “Office Space”, which is a comedy. So obviously, four men aren’t gonna watch a romantic film together, so we decided to go for Office Space, the choice was very simple.

  Once we were inside, there were like maybe ten people and the movie was hilarious. Every five minutes, people were laughing, smiling about something. I remember this one scene when the main character quit his job and stole the printer, and then destroyed it. Everyone, at that moment, just couldn’t stop laughing. It had been 20 years since, but I still have the movie on my computer. Every time when I am stressed out at work, I will watch it for inspirations.


  1. ticket stubs 票根

  2. skip class逃课

  3. hilarious adj. 滑稽可笑的,诙谐幽默的

  4. printer n. 打印机

班型 招生对象 人数 课时 详情咨询
雅思基础6分精品班 高中一般,大学基础较弱的学生,或已多年未接触英语基础薄弱的学员 8人 312课时   在线咨询  
雅思进阶6分精品班 高中较好,大学一般的学生,或已多年未接触英语基础不错的学员 8人 232课时   在线咨询  
雅思核心6分精品班 大学英语四级水平的学生,或参加工作英语基础不错的学员 8人 136课时   在线咨询  
雅思基础6.5分精品班 高中一般,大学较弱的学生,或已多年未接触英语基础薄弱的学员 8人 448课时   在线咨询  
雅思进阶6.5分精品班 高中较好,大学一般,想通过长期系统的培训达到雅思的学员 8人 368课时   在线咨询  
雅思核心6.5分精品班 基础较好,大学6级水平,或参加过雅思考试想再次冲刺的学员 8人 272课时   在线咨询  
雅思冲刺6.5分精品班 基础功底扎实,英语专业或参加过雅思考试,想再次冲刺的学员 8人 136课时   在线咨询  
雅思基础6分班 高中英语水平一般,大学英语基础较弱的学员 25人 224课时   在线咨询  
雅思进阶6分班 高中英语水平较好,大学英语基础一般的学员 25人 144课时   在线咨询  
雅思核心6分班 大学英语四级以上水平的学员,或参加过雅思考试成绩在5-5.5分水平 25人 96课时   在线咨询  
雅思基础6.5分班 高中英语水平较弱,大学英语基础较弱的学员 25人 320课时   在线咨询  
雅思进阶6.5分班 高中英语水平一般,大学英语基础较弱的学员 25人 240课时   在线咨询  
雅思核心6.5分班 大学英语六级水平,或参加过雅思考试成绩在5.5分以上水平 25人 192课时   在线咨询  
雅思冲刺6.5分班 参加过雅思考试成绩在6分水平的学员 25人 96课时   在线咨询  


  • 报名热线:400-6063-171
  • 咨询老师:王老师
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